Thursday, March 6, 2008

Monkey Boy has a girlfriend and a crappy dog.

Monkey Boy is almost 14, well..he will be on Sunday. Should I now call him Monkey Teen?? I think I've lost the boy in him somewhere along the years. What is it about teenage boys? Why is it that as their testosterone levels go up, their IQ goes down? Seriously, at one point I thought him the cleverest of all children. Is it just the "teen-ness" of him? He went from the A/B Honor Roll to barely passing 7th grade, and 8th grade isn't any better. You see, he has discovered girls, and even worse, they have discovered him.

GIRLS!! I swear, he has the sweetest little girlfriend, but that is all he thinks about now. He begged, and swore himself into my personal servitude, just so I would convince his dad to let him ride the bus home to his girlfriends house tomorrow. I got the eyeroll because 1) I made him swear that an adult would be there too, and 2) That once he got to her house, I am calling and want to speak to her mother. could I embarass him so?? I'm such a bad, stupid mom. Pffft....just not stupid enough to let him be alone with a 14 year old girl in a house all afternoon. She is coming to help us celebrate his birthday on Sunday. GOD help me. I don't know how to deal with a girlfriend. At least she is a very pretty, smart little girl. He does seem to have good taste. He is still MY baby! Perhaps the "teen-ness" coming out of him is so that I will be more than willing to toss him out into the first young ladies arms, who wants to deal with his new idiosyncrasies.

OH and on to dogs. What happened to my sweet little Jenny?? She has suddenly decided it's too cold outside and just not necessary for her to go out to take a crap and any piece of carpeting will do. She does have a fondness for Monkey Boys room too...perhaps because it already smells like ass and dirty sweat socks?? I'm getting desperate. She was house trained at one point, and now if she doesn't start using the lawn instead of the carpet, she will HAVE to go. I cannot allow this animal to use my carpeting as a toilet. That is a touchy matter with me and there is quite a bit of "history" that I won't go into, about dog shit in Let's just say it will not be now, or ever an option in MY house, although it doesn't seem to bother some people I know *shiver* In desperation I forked out the $10 to buy the stupid "The Dog Whisperer" book by Paul Owens. I bought it, but have yet to read it. I'll get to it along with everything else I keep putting off.

Now I need to get my lazy butt off to bed. I have to go in and talk to my boss about scheduling in the morning. Woohooo...I'm still excited about that job. It's just still really hard for me to drag my lazy butt out of the house in the mornings to do much of anything. That's part of the reason I need this job. It will keep me from feeling so "disabled" and more normal, by forcing me to get off my butt and leave this house.

Give me liberty, or give me bedtime!

Bedtime has got to be my favorite time of the day. No more fighting, no more whining, no more begging, and no more crying. I stop all that because they are finally asleep!! Yes, I know I should value all the time I get to spend with those two precious children, but let me tell you....I spend ALL MY TIME with those two "precious"*snort* children and Mommy needs quiet time!

You see, I can only take so much of "She's looking at me!", "I'm bored!", "Make him play with me!", "It's my turn!", "I don't want to do that!", "I didn't do it!", "I'm hungry!", "He hit me!", "She's touching me!", "I'm bleeding!", yadda yadda yadda! Grrrr. I just need some quiet time!

Now they are in bed, and it is ALMOST blissful. Hubby is still up which means I get to listen to him drone on for a few a bit longer before quiet time sets in. He will soon fall asleep in his chair, start snoring, which will piss me off and I will throw things at him until he gets up and goes to bed. Then I can truly relax.

I had given up on the blogging for a while because my computer was crap, and I just couldn't tolerate sitting at the desktop. Now, I have a cute shiny new laptop! Hopefully I can start blogging again.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Job???!!! Wooohooooo!!!!

I've done many things over the past 22 years of my "working" life. I've been an EMT, a video store clerk, a waitress, a popcorn packer (yes...just what it sounds like, I popped and packed popcorn at a popcorn factory), worked in a nursing home, worked at a roadside farm market, and as an assistant manager at a Hobby and Craft store chain, and then my favorite job ever: I worked at a pet store. It was the only job I ever had in my life that I looked forward to going to everyday. I enjoyed my weekends off, but was always ready for work come Monday morning.
I know me working in a pet store is akin to an alcoholic tending bar, but it really is my dream job. I had to quit the job due to some health issues that came up. Most of it just me being an idiot and thinking I could do it all. I was working that job, another part-time job at the above mentioned Hobby store, running the kids everywhere, trying to keep up with everything being a Stay At Home mom entails, and in general....I wanted to be Super Mom. Well, that came back to haunt me. I crashed from the strain and pressure...HARD. I had to quit it all.
Now I sit at home, almost a year later and realizing, I NEED a job! I need to get out. The health issues I have be damned! I want to work outside the home. Lord knows I don't work well inside the home. lol. I just said to Jeff, Saturday, "I need a job. Even if its just a few days a week, I want to work." I was thinking flipping burgers or something. ANYTHING to get me away from this house for a few hours.
Well, the universe has been kind to me and heard my plea. Yesterday my old boss at the pet store called me and wanted to know if I wanted to work for him part time through the week. I didn't even pause for him to catch his breath before yelling "Absolutely!!!" into the phone. lol
I start at the end of the month. It may be just one day one week and a few days the next week, but that is just perfect to me!! How is that for absolute, perfect timing?? And this store and the people/owners there are amazing people. I have never enjoyed working for and with someone as much as them and I feel honored that they would want me to come back to work for them.