So, My hair brained husband (it started growing inward on his head instead of outward and has affected the part of his brain that is able to hear me and retain information I tell him), well...anyways, he takes the kids to a family gathering and what does his precious little princess come home with???? The Forbidden, Dreaded, SILLY PUTTY!!!!
Sure she had a blast playing with it. Contraband material is always a more joyful thing ya know. I threatened her that it must not be placed ANYWHERE but her hands. Her daddy says "Oh, she will be fine with it". She says "BUT IT'S GREEN, MY FAVORITE COLOR, I LOVE MY SILLY PUTTY AND YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!" Yes, there was yelling involved as soon as I mention something about a trashcan. Okay, didn't seem like I would win this battle. Maybe hubby was right, maybe she was old enough to take care of it and I wouldn't have any problems.
Maybe I will sprout wings and be able to fly too!
Want to guess what became of the silly putty???
That's right folks, this is what lime green silly putty looks like shoved into carpeting. I knew this would turn out badly, but I really did hope I would be proved wrong. REALLY!
Of course Her Majesty has no idea how this happened. She did offer the suggestion of just cutting it out of the carpeting though. Thanks for the help Sweetie.
I tried cussing it out, didn't work. I tried using ice cubes on it, it turned it to green sticky mush. I tried sweeping it up. I tried just sitting there for an hour and picking it out one molecule at a time. It didn't work. I became resigned to just live with the green blob right in front of the couch. Maybe I could just re-arrange the furniture to hide it? *sigh*
Then in one last desperate battle to remove the dreaded silly putty, I grabbed my bottle of windex and sprayed! Then blotted with a paper towel. Hmmm I think some of it came up. I repeated the procedure until all traces of Silly Putty no longer existed on the carpet.
I think I need to make a "No Silly Putty" sign to hang out by the "NO TRESSPASSING" sign in the front yard. Think they would get the hint?
"Maybe hubby was right, maybe she was old enough to take care of it and I wouldn't have any problems."
I was yelling "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" at my laptop screen when i read this :P
I'll have to remember windex, my 3yo has some sillyputty hidden somewhere in one of his toy drawers if i remember correctly.
haha... i was there when she brought it home...and was pulling it apart so it made a very fine string between the two gobs in her hands...i knew it would be a disaster from the moment i saw that little green egg.
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