We were at my in-laws house, all sitting on the deck on a warm summer night, when I noticed there was a dead cat, squished down on the road. You see, the neighbor, who is a relative, has numerous cats that they don't give a hoot about, and becoming road kill is a common occurrence.
I sat and whined to Hubby and My Wonderful Little Father-in-law, until they decided to go down with a shovel, and scoop up the cat to bury it, just to shut me up. Of course Monkey Boy was in the middle of it all and excited about the project. After the cat is removed from the road, and Hubby had the hole dug, Monkey Boy came running up to me, so excited. He loudly proclaimed "Daddy's planting that cat!".
Yep, he is a country boy through and through.
Okay, so this isn't a picture of the above story (thank goodness) but in my warped mind, it's funny.
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