Then his wife came along and painted the cutest little flower and butterfly on my toe. My big toe, which I might add is much bigger than average. So she had a big canopy to work on. Gorgeous Niece just got a flower. It WAS a hibiscus. I was teased for knowing just what flower it was, but my big amazon feet had a toe that she added a whole scene on. It's too cute.
Now, keep in mind. I am quite aware that I need to wax those big ole nasty hairy toes. I'm a chick with hairy toes, what's a girl to do? The color is an OPI color called "Senorita Rose-alita". I love reading the names of the different colors they come up with. Gorgeous Niece chose one named "That's Hot" was a pink. Too funny
Then...I decided on a whim to finally get my tragus pierced. Now if you don't know what it is, it's not quite as naughty as it sounds. It's just that little flap, that if you push down on, will plug your ear canal. Gorgeous Niece got it done almost a year ago and I thought it looked cute. Here's a pic of the new piercing.
And HURT!! LOL. The piercing itself didn't hurt too bad, it was the getting the hardware in it. Gorgeous Niece was far more nervous than I. I suppose because she knew how bad it was going to hurt, and she is a wimp. I just figured, I go through pain on a daily basis, this would be nothing. It still hurt like hell. Not so bad last night and today though. I am completely aware that someone with Raynauds should NOT do something like this. SO this is a "don't do as I did" warning. You see, my circulation in compromised and I am not suppose to pierce any extremity, but my ears are a MAJOR NO-NO. My MD will give me hell if she notices, or I tell her at my next appointment. It will take forever to heal, and my risk for infection is extremely high, so I plan on being very cautious with it. My Reynauds isn't in my ears too terribly bad, so I'm not overly concerned with it, but I will be extra cautious. The hardest thing to do is to keep my fingers off it. I know just how germy fingers can be, so NO TOUCHY! But I WANT TOO! LOL. I'm OCD, you have no idea how difficult it is. TO be honest, I kinda like the feeling of the dull pain/ache from lightly pushing on it. I know I'm a freak. I experience pain daily, but this is different. This is under my control and probably why I like the sensation it causes. It may be a bad feeling, but it's a "Different" bad than usual. Does that make any sense??? *shrug* Probably not.
Here is the funny thing: I didn't tell hubby that I was going to do it, still haven't told him I have it done, and he still has no idea. I have even constantly been tucking my hair behind my ear trying to get him to notice and he stood talking to me this morning while I was getting ready for work. I put my ear ring in the topmost hole in that SAME ear, he says "Doesn't it hurt to put that in up there?" I said "Nope", but he did not notice that my tragus was very recently pierced. LOL. Talk about completely oblivious! Gorgeous Niece and I have a bet going on just how long it will take him. I say longer than two weeks, and he will only notice it if I, or some one else, tells him it is there. Monkey Boy noticed it that evening, but Her Majesty hasn't a clue. Geesh, I swear, I'm going to go completely blonde an see if anyone notices!
Wow, the toes look great! And the piercing too. You are WAY too hip, sorry about the dense guy. Attach a Wii controller to your new piercing and I bet he will notice!
How did you stop the Reynauds from, to put it in an icky way, up, making your toesnails all fall out? Or did they paint on your skin (since it is all flat under the nail)?
Sorry, that's kind of a downer. I didn't know about the ears, now I will watch for when my ears turn purple. That was really great and I am glad you and neice had a good time.
Elizabeth: As for the toenails and Reynauds; the right foot is the one with the "good nails" lol. The one next to my big toe is basically just the painted skin, then the one beside it is actually an artificial nail. There are two on my left that are. I don't do it in the winter, but I do it so I can wear sandals in the summer and people not go "eeewwww!" at my feetsies. They put fake ones on similar to finger nails. Except since there is just basically a "harder" skin there, they fall off easy.
Yes, your ears are affected by Reynauds, the same as the tip of your nose can be. You, REALLY need to watch that. Treat your fingers, toes, ears and nose (see it rhymes! lol) much as a diabetic would need to. My last ear piercing, NOT in cartilage took about 3 months to heal, when normal people would have been fine in 4-6 weeks. Of course, the fact I did it myself so my ears would remain "odd", that could have had something to do with it. I like odd numbers.(That's the OCD talking.)
SO, with your squeamishness about needles, do pictures or the idea of piercings, flip you out?? I'm opposite with needles. I have an odd fascination with them. Not good.
Hubby still didn't notice and I couldn't stand it. I kept saying there is something different about me....look above the neck(you have to make him focus that way), then finally LOOK AT MY LEFT EAR! to which he said "Did you buy new earrings?". I finally said "MY EAR HAS A NEW HOLE!" to which he replied "I don't like it"...HA!!!
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