Tuesday, June 24, 2008


You know when you are in a rush to get out the door, so you won't be late for something important? Like picking your daughter up from gymnastics...and something happens and you then know you WILL be late? Well..that happened to me.
It was about 5 minutes before I need to leave to pick Her Majesty up and decided to put a load in the washer before going. It took longer than it should have of course. Her Majesty is just one giant stain magnet and I had to pre-treat quite a few. I rushed out of the laundry room to get my shoes on and go, when ARGH! Something impaled my foot with the pain of a hot poker. I look down, and there is a tooth pick sticking out of the pad of my foot right below where my big toe is. I sat down, to try to remove the toothpick and a simple tug wouldn't get it out. It was deep. By this time, I'm very late to get her. I had finally took a deep breath, grabbed hold of the end of the toothpick and gave a good pull. That thing was a good 3/4 of an inch deep in my foot. I stood up to find my shoes and it started to bleed just a bit so I got a piece of paper towel, wedge it in my flip flop so that I wouldn't bleed on the way to get her and left. By the time I got to the truck, I was nearly in tears. It barely bled, not much blood circulates in my extremities these days. I know exactly where the toothpick came from, the girl who tosses everything on the floor when she is done with it.
It is throbbing now. I can't put ice on it because the pain from the ice on my toes (Reynauds thing) would be more unbearable than the pain now. I'm used to pain, believe it or not. Isn't it weird how you could possibly become "used" to pain, but ya do. This is just a different kind of pain. Oh, I'll live but I have earned whining rights by having to pull a sharp wooden stick from the sole of my foot. Her Majesty got a lecture and did feel really bad, then went and picked up two more off the floor where this happened.
Okay, bitching done for now. Just be grateful there are no pictures to go along with this post. lol.

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