Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Her Majesty and Monkey Boy had a decent Easter. Monkey Boy did the "I'm too old to enjoy this", but I forced him into hunting eggs. He enjoyed it but will never admit it. Her Majesty has been on a huge sugar high all day, and we are just now, at 7 p.m. on Easter evening, dying eggs. I'm such a Slacker Mom. I waited until the last minute to finish the Easter baskets. I was at K-Mart last night at 8 p.m., with the stomach flu, buying Easter candy and baskets. *sigh* Oh well, at least this year I remembered it was Easter and bought the baskets. A few years ago I FORGOT IT! yep...forgot Easter all together.

Even Her Majesty's doll, Elizabeth got a basket. Yes..SPOILED is the word here. Poor Elizabeth is in desperate need of a new weave. She has been very loved and abused in her two years with us. Exactly what she is going to do with the PlayDoh eggs I'm not sure yet. I have a feeling it will end in a lot of screaming and a web search on how to get PlayDoh out of a dolls hair.
Elizabeths Easter

Then, a pretty little snowstorm came out of no where. Here is a picture of a wee little birds nest in my dwarf lilac bush. Don't worry, it was last years nest.

On a very sad note, my friend and cousins father passed away, very unexpectedly today. It just breaks my heart for her and her family. He was a terrific man and will be so greatly missed.

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