Saturday, April 19, 2008

Monkey Boys Coyote

Her Majesty and I had to go get a new rug shampooer (with this mini-zoo it's a must) and she needed shoes. Okay, she already has 50 pairs, but she *needed* new shoes (insert heavy whining). When we pull into the drive as we return home, Monkey Boy came out excited, telling me all about the coyote who walked across the road and through our yard. He knows his moms odd compulsion to take pictures of the odd critters we see waltzing through our yard, and picked up my camera and snapped 2 pictures, from the safety of the front door. It was a proud Momma Moment for me.

I download his pictures with some excitement, and this is what he got:

Hmmmm...doesn't look very coyote like to me. Let's zoom in:


Well, how about that. It's a rather lovely, little DOG! Well, God love him. He may not know his critters, but it is a rather cute dog. I show him the close up, and he is like "Hey, that coyote looks like a dog." Yep, sure 'nough it does.


At least he got a picture for me. Oh, and just for the record, I think it scared him. I can't say much though, I've stood in the front yard trying to call a REAL coyote to me by saying "Come here puppy!"

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